5 CTP Technology Trends Transforming Prepress

5 CTP Technology Trends Transforming Prepress

Content provided by Kodak

Trend #1

More Automation, Less Space

Automation for CTP devices isn't new, but the technology is getting more sophisticated and more compact. CTP automation takes platemaking to a new level of efficiency and productivity, reducing the chance for errors from manual plate handling and speeding up production. The more plates that can be automatically loaded, imaged, and unloaded, the more jobs you can handle in a day, increasing revenue potential and reducing costs per job.

New from Kodak is the Multi-Pallet Loader (MPL) for the MAGNUS Q800 Platesetter, which has a capacity of up to 2,600 plates in four different formats - and the whole system takes up very little space.

The MPL can hold up to 2 pallets of 1,200 plates each and up to 2 cassettes with 100 plates each. Combined with the MAGNUS Q800 Platesetter's fast imaging and the accuracy and stability of SQUARESPOT Imaging Technology, the new MPL delivers amazing productivity for printers that have no time or space to waste.

Trend #2

More Speed, Less Space

Getting plates to the pressroom faster can mean adding an extra job or two each day. One strategy for doubling the amount of plates you can produce in an hour is to add another platesetter. With three platesetters, you've tripled your plates per hour! But who has room for more platesetters?

Instead, printers are opting for faster platesetters, and Kodak has responded to this demand by introducing the W-Speed option for its TRENDSETTER Platesetters. TRENDSETTER Platesetters are well-known for their extremely small footprint, even models that automatically load, image, and unload up to 480 plates. With a throughput of up to 75 plates per hour (4-page) or 62 plates per hour (8-page), there is no faster platesetter that has a footprint as small.

Today's printers are redesigning their prepress rooms to produce plates faster in less space, sometimes replacing two older platesetters with one that is newer and faster.

Trend #3

Saving Energy

Businesses are looking to save energy wherever they can, and the prepress room is no exception. Here are some ways that printers are reducing energy consumption in prepress:

  • Upgrading to energy-efficient equipment
  • Switching to printing plates that don't require ovens, not only eliminating the energy used by the ovens, but also reducing the need for air conditioning
  • Removing plate processing equipment altogether by switching to process free plates
  • Turning off lights when areas aren't in use
  • Upgrading lighting where possible to LED bulbs

Kodak is committed to helping our customers reduce environmental impact, and energy efficiency is a key objective for all new product development. Kodak's latest TRENDSETTER and ACHIEVE Platesetters use up to 43% less power while imaging than our previous models and up to 93% less than platesetters from other manufacturers. They are the perfect solution for printers who want to have the most energy-efficient operation. Learn more.

Trend #4

Going Mobile

You can check on your kids or your pets through your phone, so it's no surprise that remote monitoring is the latest trend in prepress. Kodak is leading the way with the new KODAK Mobile CTP Control App, and now you can check on your CTP device from anywhere, at any time!

The app notifies you when jobs are done running or if the CTP device stops for any reason, and you can even control jobs remotely. The app can increase efficiency and productivity, eliminating the need to wait around for a job to finish running and the time wasted if the platesetter finishes a job before someone can attend to it.

Trend #5

Ready for Process Free

Process free plates are quickly becoming the plate of choice for printers that want to be competitive, so CTP devices that are "process free ready," are a good investment, even for printers that don't think process free plates are a good fit for their business at this time.

KODAK Platesetters are designed to work seamlessly with process free plates, such as the new SONORA X Plate. Kodak has invested in development of the SQUARESPOT Imaging Heads to make them more "negative-plate friendly," unlike other manufacturers. SQUARESPOT Technology enables superior tonal stability so printers can achieve the highest screening qualification with process free plates.

Kodak can help you keep up with the latest trends in CTP technology. To learn how, contact your Kodak representative or reseller.