TAGA Abstract Search

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Document ID Title Author(s) Year Details
690141 Photosensitive Association Products. Julius L. Silver 1969 View
680330 Computation of Halftone Color Gamuts of Process Inks. Milton L. Pearson, Irving Pobboravsky, and John A. C. Yule 1968 View
680356 A Method for Direct Screen Exposure and Control. Fredric A. Hertz and H. Brent Archer 1968 View
690001 A Long-Range Techno-Economic Forecasting Procedure Applied to Printing and Its Substitutes. Kenneth G. Scheid 1969 View
690016 Evolution and Trends in Metal Decorating. S. M. Cash and J. W. Capron 1969 View
690027 ANPAT - A Computer Technique for Newspaper Story Condensation. Harold C. Durbin and David M. Reed 1969 View
680198 An Approach to Evaluating Alternative Production Systems and Subsystems. Robert G. Marbut 1968 View
680209 Tutorial Bibliographies -IV- Printing Inks and Their Constituents. Jack J. Bulloff 1968 View
680278 Spectrophotometry and OCR Ink Formulation. Alfred DiBernardo 1968 View
680288 The Theoretical Analysis and Practical Evaluation of Roller Ink Distribution Systems. Harry H. Hull 1968 View
680316 Color-Trol for the Preparation of Economic Maps. Karl W. Fretcher 1968 View
680328 The Perception of Color. Ralph M. Evans 1968 View
680067 Some Basic Considerations and Further Standardization of the Indirect Screen System. R. E. Maurer and D. Burger 1968 View
680103 Rolling Between Cylinders on Lithographic Newspaper Presses. Frank R. Paschke 1968 View
680120 New Ways for Testing the Printability of Gravure Papers. W. Kunz 1968 View
680143 Review of the Chemistry of Dichromated Gelatin and Method for Reducing Dark Reaction in Rotogravure Carbon Tissues. Albert R. Materazzi and Aldo Luciani 1968 View
680161 Influence of Roll Bending on Impression Pressure Distribution. Robert H. Oppenheimer and Harvey F. George 1968 View
680175 Electrostatic Ink Transfer. J. F. Hutchison 1968 View
680009 A Photopolymer Image Transfer System. R. H. Boyd and V. F. H. Chu 1968 View
680020 A Six-Field Goldberg's Diagram and Its Application. Kalman Lovasz 1968 View
680032 The Effects of Metallurgical Variables on the Etching Characteristics of Photoengraving Copper. Peter T. Gregg 1968 View
680049 IBM 2980 CRT Printer. Richard E Lewis 1968 View
680059 Linotron 505 Progress Without Penalty. Wolfgang O. Grube 1968 View
670210 Sensitivity of Representative Lithographic Plate Systems to the Mercury Arc Spectrum. Robert F. Leonard and Albert R. Materazzi 1967 View
670229 Some Studies on Wiped Lithographic Plate Coatings. Albert R. Materazzi 1967 View
670249 Study of Screenless Lithography. Irving Pobboravsky and Milton Pearson 1967 View
670263 Project GAIN at RIT. H. Brent Archer 1967 View
670297 Technical Description of Fairchild Phototypesetting Machines. Carl O. Markkanen 1967 View
680001 Machine Processing of Halftones with Continuous Tone Developer. H. B. Archer 1968 View
670138 Some Fluid Dynamic Aspects of the Wicking Action of Silicone Oils on Paper. Joseph Ragsdale and Alfredo de Mendoza 1967 View