TAGA Abstract Search

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Document ID Title Author(s) Year Details
750177 Mechanisms of Ink Release in Waterless Lithography. S. L. Gaudioso, J. H. Becker and D. S. Sypula 1975 View
750015 Introduction of New Technological Developments into the Graphic Communications Industries William A. Rocap, Jr. 1975 View
750021 Canada Post Mechanization. Paul O'Neill 1975 View
750035 Programmed Automatic Imposition with the Opti-Copy Full Size Imposing Camera. Jack Wally 1975 View
750045 A Publisher's Dream - Microfilm to Printing Plates. Robert F. Hajicek 1975 View
750053 A Study of the Performance Characteristics of UV Curing Ink by Comparison with a Conventional Ink in the Offset Printing Process. J. L. Silver, Vanchai Sirichana and C. J. Daniels 1975 View
750077 Powder-Set Ink Curing System. William B. Neuberg 1975 View
740230 Computer Aided Pagination of Newspapers. Hans Andersin, Nils Enlund, Robert Hopson, Wolfgang Millbrandt and John Woodward 1974 View
740248 An Investigation by Simulation of the Performance of Two Sequencing Criteria in a Job Shop of the Printing Industry (1). Stanford H. Rosenberg 1974 View
740276 Computer Generated Color Patterns. Laura Carey 1974 View
740291 Electronic Screening of Color Separations with Laser Beam Exposure. J. Uwe Gast 1974 View
750001 New Developments in the Graphic Arts. Paul J. Hartsuch 1975 View
740161 Printing With Superparamagnetic Fluids. Ronald Moskowitz 1974 View
740177 A Now Technology for Composition of Large Letters. Peter Vogelsang 1974 View
740192 A Computer Program for Tracing Tone Reproduction Diagrams. Robert Loekle 1974 View
740204 Line Separations from Transparencies for Textile Printing Using a Monochromator. R. D. Warner and R. E. Mauer 1974 View
740211 Process Control in Printing the Universal Product Code Symbol. C S. McCamy 1974 View
740223 The Development of the PDI Electronic Dot Generation System. Brian M. Chapman 1974 View
740103 Organic Solvent Emission Sampling and Analysis Procedure for Gravure. Jay Shah and Harvey F. George 1974 View
740116 Dijit Ink Jet Printing. Peter L. Duffield 1974 View
740133 Parameters of Ultraviolet Printing Inks. Robert W. Bassemir and Anthony J. Bean. TAGA Proceedings, 1974 1974 View
740147 Practical Applications of Rheomtric Data to Formulation of Letterpress and Lithographic Inks. S. W. Paul Wyszkowski 1974 View
740156 Electrocurtain, Graphics of Tomorrow. Robert Z. Muggli 1974 View
740001 Projection Platemaking. Thomas A. Anastasio and Joseph F. Ferrero 1974 View
740023 Surface Area Measuring Test for Grained Aluminum Lithographic Plates. John H. Powers 1974 View
740045 Influence of Hydrochloric Acid in Etching Solution on Penetration of Cupric Ions Through Gravure Resist. Shin-ichi Habu and Yoshiro Yoshihiro 1974 View
740060 Approximate Analysis of Oscillatory Tension Effects on Register Error. Ralph E. Smith 1974 View
740073 Simulation of A Simplified Single Color Lithographic Press. Jerome A. Doutriaux and A. Lavi 1974 View
740089 Techniques for Analysis of Noise Sources in Printing Equipment. William Rovani and Jeffrey J. Fredberg 1974 View
730267 The Future Computer System Within the Composing Room. Michael P. McTiernan 1973 View