TAGA Abstract Search

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Document ID Title Author(s) Year Details
810017 The Effect of Printing Conditions on Dot Gain. Alan DePaoli 1981 View
810043 Effects of Fast Ink Drying Conditions on Multi-colored Moving Web. Satoshi Mochizuke and Junichi Aoyama 1981 View
810056 Control of Inking in a Web Offset Press Using Multichannel Densitometer as a Feedback Device Kimmo Simomaa and Tapio Lehtonen 1981 View
810076 Instrumented Characterization of Lithographic Plate Surfaces and Half Tone Images. A. W. Pearson 1981 View
800375 Gravure Cylinder Making by Laser. David J. Barton 1980 View
800381 Possibilities of Automation and Standardization of Page Stripping - and Assembling by Use of the Krause Automatic Imposition Machine. H. P. Tenger 1980 View
800394 Instrumental Evaluation of Print Quality. Cheng L. Lai and John A.Tanner 1980 View
800415 n Value for General Conditions. Milton Pearson 1980 View
800426 Three-Color Interimage Reflectance Model. Richard D. Warner 1980 View
800248 Mathematical Model for Typeface Measurement. Cheng L, Lai and James K. Wang 1980 View
800267 A Systematic Approach to Typeset Reproduction. Bryan Sunderland 1980 View
800279 Current and Future Directions of Digital Prepress. S. Thomas Dunn 1980 View
800305 Photocomposition of Chinese: Input Systems and Output Results. Louis Rosenblum 1980 View
800345 Topological Array Manipulation as a General Method for Typesetting All Languages. N. Edward Berg 1980 View
800349 Computer-Generated Scripts. Elizabeth Meyers 1980 View
800165 Comments in Regard to the Lithographic Sheet Fed Press of the Future. Oskar Liebert 1980 View
800172 New Information on the Calculation of Halftone Exposure Times. H.B. Archer 1980 View
800184 Technical Construction of the Ink Unit Temperature Control and its Influence on the Printing Process. 1980 View
800198 Electronic Color Imaging: A Systems Approach to Integrated Pre-Press Operations. 1980 View
800212 Surface Tension Relationships, Their Significance in the Development of Low Solvent Ink Technology. Joseph A. Dooley 1980 View
800222 A Laboratory Test Method for Prediction of Lithographic Ink Performance. Aage Surland 1980 View
800093 On the Closed Loop Control Systems for Web Offset Presses. Heikki Lindqvist, Ulf Lindqvist, Tapio Lehtonen 1980 View
800113 Technical Details Related to Form Printing. Herrmann Thomas 1980 View
800122 A Unique Solution to the Problem of Ink Fountain Design. John Mac Phee 1980 View
800148 ANPA's ANPAPRESS Concept. Erwin Jaffe 1980 View
800156 A New Variable Cut-Off, Fast Make-Ready Offset Press Designed for Book Printing. Jean Chevalier 1980 View
790387 Remote-Controlled and Computer-Controlled Inking. Dr.-Ing. Harry M. Gainer 1979 View
800001 Color, As Seen and Printed. Joseph E. Kling 1980 View
800018 A Summary of Research Efforts by the Printing Machine Research Association of Germany. Siegbert Holderried 1980 View
800032 Travel Line on Web Fed Printing Equipment. John Littleton 1980 View