TAGA Abstract Search

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Document ID Title Author(s) Year Details
820269 A New Concept for an Offset Press - The Ultimate for Proofing George Zurbrugg 1982 View
820097 Pagesetting and Considerations of Data Formats Donald G. Gerlich 1982 View
820108 Design Considerations for Contact Screens Used in Digital Processing Thomas A. Lianza 1982 View
820121 Data Storage in Graphic Arts Offset Printing David McDowell 1982 View
820129 The Development of Inking and Dampening Control Systems for Heatset-Offset Presses Helene Juhola, Tapio Lehtonen, and Kimmo Simomaa 1982 View
820145 Technical Features of a High Resolution Facsimile System Reed O. Slaugh 1982 View
820031 Laser Typesetting - Text and Pictures David Hedgeland 1982 View
820048 Progress in Lasergravure Brian Jordan 1982 View
820058 New Hardware and Software for the Chromacom Electronic Page Make-up System; Proof-Recorder CPR 403 - Hardcopy Output Dr. Eggert Jung 1982 View
820075 Information Storage and Image Reprography on Low Voltage, Crystalline Photoconductors Manfred R. Kuehnle 1982 View
820082 A Computer-Assisted Approach in Classifying Image Orientations in Photomechanics Robert Y. Chung 1982 View
810302 Ergonomic Conditions in the Graphic Arts Industry: A Survey. Elizabeth W. Jackson 1981 View
810352 New Narrow-Band Color Responses for Pressroom Densitometry. Dr. S.J. Kishner 1981 View
810365 Electronic Data Center for the Graphic Arts. Richard E. Maurer 1981 View
810394 Continuing Evolution of Electronic Publishing. S. Thomas Dunn 1981 View
810422 A New Concept of a Flatbed Offset Press. George Zurbrugg 1981 View
820002 An Update on Laser Imaging for the Graphic Arts S. Thomas Dunn 1982 View
810204 The Outlook for Optical Videodisk in Graphic Arts Applications. David Henry Goodstein 1981 View
810222 The Crosfield Automated Page Composition System with Color Retouching Capabilities. Melvin A. Ettinger 1981 View
810231 Technical Analysis of Electronic Color Scanners: Theory, Applications, and Techniques. Donald C. Bellis Jr. and James E. Moon 1981 View
810251 New Developments in Scanner Technology. Winrich Gall 1981 View
810258 Page Facsimile in the Eighties. Richard E. Amtower 1981 View
810292 Computer Synthesis of Halftones: The Keystone of Prepress Automation. Stephen J. A'Hearn 1981 View
810093 The Influence of Plate Topography upon Print Quality in Lithography. A. W. Pearson and C. A. Parker 1981 View
810126 Offset to Gravure Conversion Processes. Jean Chevalier 1981 View
810135 New Developments in the Field of Screens. Emilio Gerboni 1981 View
810156 An Investigation of Color Tolerance. Scott Stamm 1981 View
810174 Comparison of Random Dot and Conventional Halftone Printing Processes with Respect to Color Reproduction. J. L. Silver, Sanat Hazra, Anson Hosley 1981 View
810001 Control is the Key to Closing the Loop on Color Printing. Joseph E. Kling 1981 View
810012 Synergism Between Typesetting Systems and Office Automation Systems. N. Edward Berg 1981 View