TAGA Abstract Search

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Document ID Title Author(s) Year Details
900516 The Technical Components of Electronically Integrated Publishing Patrice M. Dunn 1990 View
900521 The Requirements for Developing Links Between Desktop Design Systems and Prepress Kennard Cloud 1990 View
900522 Compatible, Transportable Type and Page Description Languages Rene L. Delbar 1990 View
900532 A Tone Reproduction Study of Desktop Publishing Images when Printed by Direct Laser Exposure and Conventional Contact Means Sharon A. Bartels and Richard S. Fisch 1990 View
900546 Adaption and Spatial Frequency Effects on Color Reproduction E.M. Granger 1990 View
900408 Successful Field Performance of a Heatset Web Offset Environmentally Compliant Dryer without Remote Incineration Richard A. Carman and Richard J. Wimberger 1990 View
900426 Evaluation of Air Entrainment between a Paper Web and a Roller Yohachiro Watanabe and Yasuhiro Sueoka 1990 View
900442 Legibility of Lettering on Remotely Sensed Image Maps E. Wayne Vickers 1990 View
900455 On-Line Monitoring of Postage Stamp Color at the Bureau of Engraving and Printing Cornelius Bailey, Kenneth Duvall, and Virgil Huber 1990 View
900475 A New Generation of Quality Measuring Stations Tapio Lehtonen and Raimo Launonen 1990 View
900484 Colorimetric Specifications of Printing Inks Tino Celio and Fred Mast 1990 View
900280 Structural Recovery of Printing Inks Studied by Steady Shear Rheometry Shem M. Chou, Thomas A. Fadner, and Lawrence J. Bain 1990 View
900313 Solvent Evaporation from Web Offset Heatset Inks During Web Offset Heatset Printing: An Experimental Model Perry L. Flaugh 1990 View
900339 A New Graphical Format which Illustrates the Different Ways in which Ink, Water, Paper, Plates, and Blankets can Affect the Tone Reproduction Characteristics of a Given Printing Press Unit John MacPhee and John Lind 1990 View
900363 Prediction of Steady-State Operation in Keyless Lithography T.A. Fadner 1990 View
900393 Physico-Chemical Characterization of Fountain Solutions Containing IPA and Substituting Additives Anneli Karttunen, Ulf Lindqvist, and Jouko Virtanen 1990 View
900184 Correlation of Accelerated Lightfastness Testing of Paper Products with Actual Storeroom Exposure Karl Guyler and Toni Sayers 1990 View
900204 Eucalyptus Substitutions for Uncoated Printing Paper John F. Bobalek 1990 View
900213 Optical Density and Ink Film Thickness; A Comparison of Models B.E. Blom and T. J. Conner 1990 View
900226 Effect of Ink Water Pick-up on Printability in a High Speed Lithographic Press R.W. Bassemir, D.J. Burger, J.S. Cichon, J.T. DiPiazza, B.G. Hahn, L.J. Lepore, and R.T. Peters 1990 View
900251 Ink-Water Emulsified State in Offset Printing Toru Iwaki, Kazuhiko Sato, and Toyoo Nimoda 1990 View
900268 Comparison of Laboratory Water Pickup Tests with Actual Press Performance William R. Tasker, Roy Coyne, Sheree Eberly, and Dilip Parikh 1990 View
900104 Fast Access to Abstracted Digital Images. Joel S. Isaacson, Ph.D. 1990 View
900120 Improvement of Contact Work Efficiency by New Film Technologies T. Naoi, T. Inoue, K. Ishigaki, Y. Oka, and N. Inoue 1990 View
900129 Peel-Apart Development in Photopolymer Imaging Systems John Haetak Choi and Harvey W. Taylor, Jr. 1990 View
900144 Colour Appearance Modelling Tony Johnson and Ronnier Luo 1990 View
900166 The Use of Water Base Inks in Flexible Packing Industry James C. Hook 1990 View
900173 The Contribution of Newsprint on Offset Print Quality H. Wilson Cunningham 1990 View
900011 Studies on the Levels of Undercolor Addition and Black Printer Levels in GCR/UCA 4 Color Lithographic Printing R. S. Fisch 1990 View
900030 Specifying Color in Office Documents Robert R. Buckley 1990 View