TAGA Abstract Search

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Document ID Title Author(s) Year Details
950081 A Study of Waterless Web Offset Print Characteristics Ben Wong, Zhenhua Xie, David Strong, and Rick Stone 1995 Vol. 1 View
950096 Further Comparison of Conventional vs. Waterless Lithography Robert. Y. Chung, Clifton Frazier, and Chanassa Pichitgarnka 1995 Vol. 1 View
950104 An Investigation of the Effect Plate Exposure has on Dot Change, Comparing a New Dry Process Silverless Film with Conventional Silver Film Stuart A. Gallup and Man Tam 1995 Vol. 1 View
950121 Theoretical and Practical Aspects of Single Fluid Lithography Shem-Mong Chou and Lawrence Bain 1995 Vol. 1 View
940542 Process Management for Newspaper Prepress - A System View. Jari Alasuvanto, Nils Enlund, Risto Mèntylè, Reijo Sulonen, and Mikko Vuorikoski 1994 View
940561 Product Models in Printing. Asta Bèck, Janne Pesonen, Juhana Niku-Paavola, and Hannu Ahonen 1994 View
940571 TQM as a Strategy for Waste Minimization. Robert Y. Chung and C. Nelson Ho 1994 View
950001 Reproduction Characteristics of Computer-to-Plate Imaging Systems Anthony P. Stanton 1995 Vol. 1 View
950029 Graphic Art Applications of Laser Thermal Printing Charles DeBoer 1995 Vol. 1 View
940433 Impact of Ink/Paper Interactions on Printability of Aqueous Publication Gravure Inks - Part I. Dynamic Contact Angle and Paper Wetting Jarek N. Hruzewicz and Ryszard Sprych 1994 View
940459 Where the Water Really Goes: I. Derivation of a Definitive Model for the Fate of Dampening Water in the Lithographic Printing Process T. A. Fadner 1994 View
940483 Profile Model of Process for Intelligent System in Printing Hiromichi Mishina and Tomonori Yuasa 1994 View
940498 An Object Model for Integrating Production Management in Newspapers Nils Enlund, Stig Nordqvist, Jari Alasuvanto, and Reijo Sulonen 1994 View
940511 Modelling of Production Management Solutions: TidSim Newspaper Production Simulator Stig Nordqvist, Johan Stenberg, and Simo Karttunen 1994 View
940527 A Connectionist Expert System Approach for Representing a Press Operator's Machine-Specific Knowledge Souhaila Al-Mutawa and Young Bai Moon 1994 View
940354 Dynamics and Rheology of Inks Including Various Types of Gelling Agents Takeshi Amari, Wei Xianfu, Tsutomu Hayashi, and Kotaro Morita 1994 View
940368 Effect of Plate Build-up on Flexographic Tone Reproduction Todd Skidmore 1994 View
940379 The Use of Rheometry to Predict Offset Ink Performance on Press Nasry Y. Rizk, Timothy G. Leary, and Jeffrey A. Newton 1994 View
940397 Paper Surface Topography by Range from Focus. Stefan Gustavson and Björn Kruse 1994 View
940405 Virtual Reality Sheet Formation and Printing (Computer Program) Roger Danby and Alain Bouchard 1994 View
940414 The Primary Paper Property that Affects Density Range John MacPhee and John T. Lind 1994 View
940286 Electrokinetic Measurements on Offset Materials. Reinhard Tosch, Ulf Lindqvist, and Jouko Virtanen 1994 View
940297 A Method for the Measurement and Specification of Process Ink Transparency. Robert W. Bassemir and Walter F. Zawacki 1994 View
940313 Biodegradation of News Inks and Effect of Pigments on News Ink Vehicle Degradation Sevim Z. Erhan and Marvin O. Bagby 1994 View
940324 The Development of a VOC-Free Lithographic Printing System Thomas J. Pennaz 1994 View
940339 Viscoelasticity of Water/Isopropanol/Alkyd Resin Emulsions P. Aurenty, A. Gandini, and J. F. Le Nest 1994 View
940215 HD-TV Printing Test Images and Print Quality Comparative Test Results Masayuki Nakajima 1994 View
940230 New Fractal Approach for the Characterization of Lithographic Plate Surface Jocelyne Roudet-Rouis 1994 View
940246 A Non-Silver Dry-Processed Graphic Arts Film M.C. Tam, H. Sonnenberg, and A. L. Pundsack 1994 View
940259 Unconventional Printing Plate Exposed by IR (830 NM) Laser Diodes John E. Walls 1994 View