The Future Role of Computer-Based Systems in the Graphic Arts Industry.


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Morton Morgenstern


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Just a few short years ago, electronic data processing equipment was unknown in the graphic arts industry, outside of the accounting area. Today, a growing number of members of the industry are successfully applying computers in the production of newspapers and books. The justification/hyphenation function is only one of many graphic arts functions to which computers can be applied. It did not take a technological breakthrough to perform the justification/hyphenation function. Paper tape readers, perforators and punches as well as computers have been available for many years. The successful application of this equipment is due to advancements in methodology - developing the know-how to apply equipment to the function. Present equipment and technologies can be further utilized to enable computer-based systems to aid in the performance of other graphic arts functions such as text modification, make-up, plate making, and printing. Technologies developed in the future will further enhance system capabilities. The challenge which faces the graphic arts and computer industries is that of developing systems to harness available and future technologies in order to reduce the time and expense associated with the preparation of documents for an increasingly demanding audience.

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