Plate Control To Optimise Halftone Reproduction


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L.E. Lawson, D.J. Hodgson, and J.E. Cox


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The increasing awareness of printer and customer alike concerning the large number of variables which arise during the reproduction process from original to final copy has led to demands for methods of standardization to improve quality and consistency of final printed products. To date, considerable effort has been directed towards standardising plate production variables but optimum pictorial reproduction has not been adequately considered. The following seeks to do this when dealing with the plate-making department and its operations. To date, considerable effort has been directed towards standardising plate production variables but optimum pictorial reproduction has not been adequately considered. The following seeks to do this when dealing with the plate-making department and its operations. The importance of dot gain and dot control in halftone reproduction both on the plate and on the press is discussed. The practical use of various fixed plate imaging standards, based on microlines, is considered. Attention is drawn to the problems which arise if standards are rigidly employed without due regard for the variables that can influence halftone reproduction during printing.

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