Layout Design and Production Interface


Document ID: 
Frederick Bluemel


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The Layout Design Station (LDS) was conceived and system engineered jointly by Dr. Hell GmbH, Kiel, and HCM Graphic Systems, Inc., Hauppauge. For the purpose of combining design and production, the layout can be transferred to the production oriented Combiskop by three different means: Hard-Copy Proof, Floppy Disk with a Job-File, or Transmission via Modem. The central module of the LDS is an Image Processor Unit (IPU). The IPU functions as a fast image processor and interfaces to a 1024 x 1024 color monitor for the display of Layout, images and high resolution test. Inputs are derived from a color TV-camera by imaging transparent and reflective copy, and a digitizer tablet and the master CPU for any other stored data. In addition, input/output for video tape and video disk allow processing of frames derived from that media. The central module of the LDS is an Image Processor Unit (IPU). The IPU functions as a fast image processor and interfaces to a 1024 x 1024 color monitor for the display of Layout, images and high resolution test. Inputs are derived from a color TV-camera by imaging transparent and reflective copy, and a digitizer tablet and the master CPU for any other stored data. In addition, input/output for video tape and video disk allow processing of frames derived from that media. The designer is provided with all standard geometric functions, coloring and generation of vignettes including dummy text. True text from a front end can be integrated for display and design purposes. Images from the color TV-camera are recorded, including information on size and angle. All images can be rotated and scale changed in real time by turning the knob of a digital encoder.

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