Programmed and Complementary Color Reduction


Document ID: 
Dr. Eggert Jung


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The renewed color separation technique of using black ink instead of the minimum portion of chromatic inks not only for neutral tones but also for all tertiary colors is explained. The main advantages for the printer as well as the trade shop are stability and larger tolerance ranges within the press run. Reproduction with the CCR-method of reducing complementary colors down to the extreme achromatic reproduction are demonstrated. An overview is given for getting such separation sets by standardized procedures in the Hell scanners today and with an improved color computer for the Chromagraph 399 ER or by digital color transformations, i.e. PCR within the Chromacom system. The PCR transformation values are precalculated with respect to the printing ink, paper and press process parameters on a colorimetric basis. Same PCR data can be used within a retrofit kit for the new laser scanners which will be available October 1984.

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