Projection Platemaking - An Interface to the Future


Document ID: 
Leonard Theran


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The modern printer is faced with a variety of competitive economic and technological pressures. To survive, his operation must be more cost effective and productive. In the pre-press area, the focus is on reducing material costs required to make a plate and automating the operation so that each employee becomes more productive. In addition, the printer must be ready for the day when low cost, highly capable electronic publishing systems will proliferate within the printing industry. Projection platemaking addresses the concerns of the prepress area with the automation of image assembly and platemaking functions - drastically reducing the cost of materials and eliminating many time-consuming functions. This advanced technology represents a major breakthrough for the medium and high-volume black and white and spot-color printer and is gaining worldwide recognition. Projection platemaking addresses the concerns of the prepress area with the automation of image assembly and platemaking functions - drastically reducing the cost of materials and eliminating many time-consuming functions. This advanced technology represents a major breakthrough for the medium and high-volume black and white and spot-color printer and is gaining worldwide recognition.

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