A New Film Making System Attaining High Qualities, Fast Access and Solution Stability


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Kimitake Kameoka, Eiichi Okutsu, Yoshitaka Akimura, and Shigenori Moriuchi


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This paper reports a new white light film making system having high image qualities, high speed processing and highly stable solution. In reproduction processes, lith-developments have been used for their high image qualities. In general, high image qualities are due to high contrast on the characteristic curve. To get high contrast, acceleration in the development in the high exposure areas and retardation in the low are necessary. Acceleration depends on the quantity of produced semiquinone radicals and is measured by the width of image expansion. Concentration of sulfite ions is kept at a minimum in lith developer for producing semiquinone radicals, consequently resulting in lack of solution stability. Fuji's new development system realizes high image qualities and high solution stability, with high pH and high concentration of sulfite ions in the developer. By utilizing a retarder which makes high contrast developing possible at a high temperature, the system attains high speed processing.

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