The Development of Inking and Dampening Control Systems for Heatset-Offset Presses


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Helene Juhola, Tapio Lehtonen, and Kimmo Simomaa


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A progress report is given on the development of an integrated inking control system for a heatset web offset press. Under review is a control system using a multichannel on-press densitometer as a feedback signal-giving device and an offset plate scanner as feed forward signal-giving equipment. Inking and the ink/water-balance, later on, are controlled by means of the control system. The results of the experiments with the closed loop inking controller are described in the paper. Developmental goals of the next controller generation are also discussed. To preset the ink screws an offset plate scanner is preferred to a film scanner. Details of the construction of the plate scanner developed at the Technical Research Centre of Finland are given. The results of the experiments with the closed loop inking controller are described in the paper. Developmental goals of the next controller generation are also discussed. To preset the ink screws an offset plate scanner is preferred to a film scanner. Details of the construction of the plate scanner developed at the Technical Research Centre of Finland are given. Automatic control of the water feed is also needed for an integrated control system. The existing measuring systems and the possibility of controlling dampening by the on-press densitometer are discussed and some results of the experiments are given.

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