Progress in Computerized Typesetting.


Document ID: 
Lee Ohringer


Digital, Member: 
Digital, Non-Member: 
Photo, Member: 
Photo, Non-Member: 


Recent years have seen the introduction of digital computers into the printing industry. Thus far computers have been used primarily in the accounting departments and for limited typesetting - for example, in newspaper work. At the University of Pittsburgh we are studying new ways in which the computer can be used to aid the printer. We are experimenting with advanced concepts such as computerized editing routines and typesetting of complex material. The programs which we have written for our computer enable the editor to see the changes he wishes effected immediately on the text using a display screen which is electronically controlled by our computer. We have also developed computerized indexing methods and have used our computer to generate a dictionary of current scientific terms from the text which we have collected. Presently two IBM 1401's, an IBM 7070 and 7090, and a PDP-4 computer are available fm our research with our Photon 560.

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