Problems and Techniques of Producing and Inserting In-Register Preprinted Colored Material into a Newspaper.


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Dr. Gerard Larocque


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The procedure developed at the New York News for inserting pre-printed colored material in page register with the balance of the newspaper is described. It has been found that certain procedures should be followed namely, the newsprint must be of fresh manufacture with a moisture content of 6.5 to 8.5 percent and a tearing resistance of some 23 points. The gravure printing must be carried out with particular attention to the cylinder circumference, dryer temperature, impression roll hardness and setting, ambient relative humidity and press web tension. The rolls should be rewound to a minimum tension. The printed pattern should measure some 0.030 to 0.045 inch less than the newspaper impression cylinder half-circumference with a tolerance of approximately 0.008 inch. When all of these conditions are met, the pre-printed web can be inserted to within one-quarter inch of page register at newsprint printing speeds of 52,000 copies per hour and one percent or less of additional waste.

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