Microprocessor Controlled Scanning Densitometer.


Document ID: 
Philip E. Tobias


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The calculating, decision-making and storage capabilities of a microprocessor have been applied, off the press, to the requirements of quality control of multicolor sheet fed press output. The three filter readings are taken by a unique geometry of the scan head. The probe design allows reading of the wet sheet without contact, almost simultaneously, for each of the three filter channels. The areas to be read on the sheet are readily assigned after which the resultant densities are compared with either an O.K. sheet, an assigned reference density for given color or a desired density for a specific swatch being read. The discrepancies are output as a bar chart to a video screen along with detailed numerical information. The time required for a complete scan on a 40 inch sheet, reading as many as 53 swatches, is about 8 seconds. The discrepancies are output as a bar chart to a video screen along with detailed numerical information. The time required for a complete scan on a 40 inch sheet, reading as many as 53 swatches, is about 8 seconds. The unit can interface with a magnetic card encoder for information storage and can also produce a hard copy translation of the video monitor display.

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