Electronic Data Center for the Graphic Arts.


Document ID: 
Richard E. Maurer


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An inexpensive, electronic data center for the graphic arts technician is described. The hardware performance and software programs of the Kodak Data Center/Q-700, Kodak Data Module, Q-700BW MOD 2, and Kodak Data Module, Q-700DS for direct screening are discussed. The emphasis is put on the halftone screening programs which can improve the quality of the reproduction by using variable tome reproduction for both black-and-white and direct-screen color from either reflection or transparency copy. Unique features of the data center are described, including the human factors consideration of prompting from a printed tape, magnetic card storage of test data (from different contact screens, films, and developers), program corrections during production, no fault (best answer for impractical input), provisions for reciprocity and flare compensations. Unique features of the data center are described, including the human factors consideration of prompting from a printed tape, magnetic card storage of test data (from different contact screens, films, and developers), program corrections during production, no fault (best answer for impractical input), provisions for reciprocity and flare compensations. Typical production tapes for the programs discussed are shown in the Appendix.

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