Dipoles and Their Application to Graphic Arts.


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Alvin M. Marks


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Present pigments function as imperfect solid state devices to selectively absorb and reflect light. The need has existed for ideal pigments for 3 color reproduction as well as for other purposes. In terms of solid state devices and getting away from chemistry associated with pigments there is here presented a new concept for obtaining the ideal pigment. Dipole antenna theory which is applicable to television reception is also applicable on a reduced scale to affect visible light in the form of myriads of minute dipole particles each of which reacts with visible light the same way that a large scale antenna reacts with television signals. Control of color, reflectivity or absorptivity in sharp or wide spectral bands are now obtainable via this new concept. In addition, orientation provides polarization effects as well as control of reflectivity or absorptivity. All these effects are obtainable by varying the physical dimensions and orientation of dipolar particles. The material will provide non-fading, virtually indestructible colors. Only minute quantities of the same material are required for obtaining the entire gamut of characteristics. Applications to new printing inks, 3-D printed pictures are other fields in view.

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