Computer Input from Printing Control Tapes.


Document ID: 
Lee Ohringer


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The volume of printed information available has been increasing at a fantastic rate in recent years. As a means to cope with this information explosion several groups are developing computerized indexing and searching techniques. To help meet the input needs of these and similar systems the University of Pittsburgh Computation and Data Processing Center is developing a system to record currently published technical literature in computer-compatible form. We are using the paper tapes which are punched during the printing process for Linotype, Monotype, and phototypesetting, and have built appropriate paper tape readers and punches for our computer. We are also developing a general computerized typesetting system for book production similar to the limited ones presently being used for newspaper work. This will compliment our user-oriented computer language for processing natural text. Presently, two 1401's, an IBM 7070, and 7090 are available for our work. Work on this project is being supported by the Department of Defense under contract number SD186 and National Science Foundation grant GP2310.

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