Advanced Color Image Processing Systems for Gravure and Offset Printing.


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Dr.-Ing Klaus Wellendorf


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1. Helio Data Processing Systems: Color image data processing in the prepress operations of gravure cylinder production, and controlling the engraving from disc-stored copy data. 2. Chromacom: Attachment to Color Scanner DC300 for electronic page make-up and photocomposing and output of full page laser-screened color separations. This paper covers two new developments of Hell Company, the HDP-System for cylinder preparation in gravure printing, and the Chromacom, mainly for the preparatory work in offset printing. Both systems include in their extension stages electronic page make-up, photocomposing, and color retouching. I will try to concentrate in my paper on these functions, which I suppose to be of main interest to TAGA members. 2. Chromacom: Attachment to Color Scanner DC300 for electronic page make-up and photocomposing and output of full page laser-screened color separations. This paper covers two new developments of Hell Company, the HDP-System for cylinder preparation in gravure printing, and the Chromacom, mainly for the preparatory work in offset printing. Both systems include in their extension stages electronic page make-up, photocomposing, and color retouching. I will try to concentrate in my paper on these functions, which I suppose to be of main interest to TAGA members.

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