A New Variable Cut-Off, Fast Make-Ready Offset Press Designed for Book Printing.


Document ID: 
Jean Chevalier


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From available statistics it looks like 50 to 70 percent of all books are printed long runs in a very few standard sizes. These books are conveniently produced on web presses of fixed cut-off with on line folders. However the remaining 30 to 50 percent are printed odd sizes, most of them on sheet fed perfectors, and often for very short runs. Because of its variable cut-off and quicker make-ready, thus eliminating paper waste, this press can handle this side of the market much more economically than any other existing press, web or sheetfed, with a maximum return on investment. Running at 80 percent of its nominal speed it is able to produce a 320 page book, make-ready included, delivered in folded signatures: 5000 copies in 4 1/2 hours, 10,000 copies in 6 1/2 hours, whatever the size between 12x20 cm and 18x26 cm before timing. Any size under 12x20 cm could be run two-up at double this rate of production. Changes from size to size (infinitely variable by ten millimeter increments) are worked out by inserting automatically preset units (cassettes) in printing head and in the folder. Make-ready, change of plates or change of size can be completed off-press without breaking the web. A complete system of pre-setting and pre-registering devices cuts the waste of time and paper to a minimum. The operator can comfortably stand between units and has all controls conveniently located right in front of him.

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