A Laboratory Test Method for Prediction of Lithographic Ink Performance.


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Aage Surland


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A simple model of lithography shows the action in the critical film splitting nips on the press. From this it is postulated that the process depends on the ink's ability to emulsify the dampening solution applied to its surface. The development of a laboratory test method which determines the rate of the emulsification of dampening solution into ink is described. It is shown that different inks can be classified by their emulsification curve. The particular curve type corresponds to a characteristic performance on the press and thus predicts the efficiency of the ink. Examples of practical use of the test method are given. It is shown that different inks can be classified by their emulsification curve. The particular curve type corresponds to a characteristic performance on the press and thus predicts the efficiency of the ink. Examples of practical use of the test method are given.

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