The Reproduction of Over- and Underexposed Transparencies.


Document ID: 
Richard E. Maurer


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An experiment is described in which a series of over- and underexposed transparencies of the same outdoor scene are reproduced to match a reproduction of a properly exposed transparency. The corrections in tone reproduction that were necessary are given lithographic reproductions on coated paper were made by the indirect process using a scanner to make the continuous-tone separations. A discussion includes the possible means of classifying over- and underexposed transparencies, the effect of camera flare and flare produced by the eye, the application of the results in conventional photographic processes, extension of the technique to examine originals that are off in color balance, and possible ways to apply the results to transparencies that require local tone correction. A discussion includes the possible means of classifying over- and underexposed transparencies, the effect of camera flare and flare produced by the eye, the application of the results in conventional photographic processes, extension of the technique to examine originals that are off in color balance, and possible ways to apply the results to transparencies that require local tone correction.

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