Quality Control Planning in a System's Context.


Document ID: 
Robert G. Hacker


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While the costs of using different grades of paper and the impact of different run quantities can be determined readily, the effect of quality limits on printing are hard to estimate. For example, if tight controls on negatives density variation of ink on press sheets and a higher reject rate in bindery operations are implemented, the costs of a printed job will increase, but by how much? By introducing various levels of quality limits into a computer program designed to duplicate the production conditions in a printing plant good estimates of costs and time delays can be developed. By using various system modeling techniques a printer can pre-test anticipated changes in his quality control efforts with minimum disruption to plant equipment personnel and scheduling of work in progress. The benefits are closer control on costs and time delays and an expanded ability to predict the consequences of quality control changes. By using various system modeling techniques a printer can pre-test anticipated changes in his quality control efforts with minimum disruption to plant equipment personnel and scheduling of work in progress. The benefits are closer control on costs and time delays and an expanded ability to predict the consequences of quality control changes.

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