Applications of Vesicular Photography in the Graphic Arts.


Document ID: 
Fred W. Wentzel


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A variety of non-silver halide photographic processes have been introduced in recent years which have found applications in the graphic arts. Generally they have been used in the preparation of plates, etching resists and for prepress color proofing methods, rather than in the preparatory photographic stages. The principle of vesicular image formation, involving dry processing by heat treatment, has been applied successfully in several areas of the graphic arts. Presently available materials offer certain advantages and potentials which have not been widely recognized. The principle of vesicular image formation, involving dry processing by heat treatment, has been applied successfully in several areas of the graphic arts. Presently available materials offer certain advantages and potentials which have not been widely recognized. This paper reviews the concept of vesicular photography and the characteristics of available materials based on it. Present uses in offset and letterpress are described, including assembly of color separations and masking techniques. Further possibilities in halftone screening, conversions from letterpress to offset and in gravure are suggested.

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