Data Transmission - Is It For You?


Document ID: 
Mellene C. Follert


Digital, Non-Member: 
Photo, Member: 
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Data transmission is not new to the publishing and printing industry. However, due to changing market requirements and emerging technology, it is likely to explode in the next few years. This will be particularly true for newspapers and magazines, but does not exclude smaller prepress operations. Changing market trends and advances in both printing and communications technologies are opening the doors to data transmission for all those who have a valid need. Once text, graphics, and pictures are digitized, there is a common denominator for communicating between various types of equipment and geographic locations. The new electronic media has put pressure on providers of printed materials to be more current than ever. The only way to accomplish this is to side step many time consuming previously used methods. Whether or not you become a transmitter yourself, the world of digital communication will profoundly affect you in the future. If you do decide to take this step, it will involve extensive research to find the most cost effective method to suit your needs. This paper will attempt to explain some of the major benefits, pitfalls and methods of various options available now and in the future.

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