A Steady State Inking System Model for Predicting Ink Film Thickness Distribution


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Deborah J. Guerrete


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A model which calculates the steady state ink film thickness distribution in an inking system as a function of plate coverage has been developed. The method uses inversion of a matrix representing conservation of ink within a roller distribution based on a 50/50 ink split at each nip and incorporating the effect of plate coverage on the transfer. Along with the thickness distribution, the amount of ink contributed to the plate by each form roll and principal ghost magnitudes have been calculated. The model predictions can be used as a criteria to categorize different conventional inker styles. Basic results show that thickness distribution is highly dependent on coverage as are the contribution of each form roll and ghosting characteristics. In the theoretical limit of zero coverage, all conventional inkers with the same number of form rolls have the same contribution factors. The effect of coverage on the magnitude of the film thickness gradient in the roller train can be seen as a possible factor in lateral ink flow. Basic results show that thickness distribution is highly dependent on coverage as are the contribution of each form roll and ghosting characteristics. In the theoretical limit of zero coverage, all conventional inkers with the same number of form rolls have the same contribution factors. The effect of coverage on the magnitude of the film thickness gradient in the roller train can be seen as a possible factor in lateral ink flow.

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