Customized-Color Computer Printing Analysis


Document ID: 
R.E. Maurer


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A multiple-patch color test target is printed and scanned with a pulsed-xenon spectrophotometer. A computer is used to derive press performance along with prepress requirement for various lithographic printing conditions of inks, paper, plates, undercolor removal, etc., and for various types of copy. It is particularly advantageous to compare presses both within a plant and between plants, as in the case when service-house proofs and production printing must be coordinated. Color measurements are provided for comparison with standards and quality control. The results of the analysis are presented graphically as well as in tabular form for easy understanding and application. Presently, three categories of information are provided: prepress preparation, ink/press performance, and color measurements. A fourth category, color rendition, is possible in the future. The technique is not restricted to lithography. Excellent results have been obtained for flexography printing, and width modifications, analyses could be made for gravure and screenless printing. It is adaptable to any process where the amount of subtractive primary colorants must be known in relation to an application parameter: ink jet and electrophotography are reasonable examples. The results of the analysis are presented graphically as well as in tabular form for easy understanding and application. Presently, three categories of information are provided: prepress preparation, ink/press performance, and color measurements. A fourth category, color rendition, is possible in the future. The technique is not restricted to lithography. Excellent results have been obtained for flexography printing, and width modifications, analyses could be made for gravure and screenless printing. It is adaptable to any process where the amount of subtractive primary colorants must be known in relation to an application parameter: ink jet and electrophotography are reasonable examples.

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