An Update on Laser Imaging for the Graphic Arts


Document ID: 
S. Thomas Dunn


Digital, Non-Member: 
Photo, Member: 
Photo, Non-Member: 


1982 can be said to be a pivotal year in the evolution of electronic prepress. Many incremental steps were taken since the 1981 TAGA conference that are each directed at the total automation of the prepress production area. During the preceding 12 months, many companies either made new decisions for laser based imaging systems or reinforced previous commitments to laser based imaging. The laser as a digital imaging tool will dominate the progress in electronic prepress, at least for this decade. The importance of laser imaging to electronic publishing of text, line art, and pictures is now generally accepted. This presentation provides and overview of the significant developments since the 1981 TAGA meeting, as well as projections for the progress systems. Topic areas range from newspaper platemaking to process color imaging. The importance of laser imaging to electronic publishing of text, line art, and pictures is now generally accepted. This presentation provides and overview of the significant developments since the 1981 TAGA meeting, as well as projections for the progress systems. Topic areas range from newspaper platemaking to process color imaging.

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