A New Ultrasonic Ink Level Control System.


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John MacPhee and Peter Van Raalte


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A new system for automatically controlling the level of ink in the fountain of an offset lithographic press is described. The system design is unique in that it utilizes a single, remotely located ultrasonic transducer, operating in a pulsed echo ranging mode to sense ink level. The program undertaken to design and develop this new press accessory is reviewed as a preamble to the detailed description of the final design and the listing of its performance and operating characteristics. The current status, along with operating experience in actual field installations is also set forth. Background material is presented, including the evaluation of alternate ultrasonic detection concepts made in the early stages of the development program; a review of prior design systems which utilize tactile, capacitance, and other types of sensors; a listing of design requirements; and a discussion on the needs for such a system. Data on typical ink consumption rates is provided in the course of the discussion on needs.

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